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Christer Ädel

Christer is not the kind of fella to choose the beginner’s slopes. He likes the advanced ones. Preferably off-piste. He likes to go down the Swedish and Norwegian mountains and snow-covered alpine peaks. Fast. But only when he doesn’t sell coffee, work as an elementary school teacher or golf instructor. Christer is a busy man.


So, what convinced a Math and Science Studies teacher to start selling premium Italian coffee in his so-called spare time? Well, Christer ran into Anders Johansson (now a Fogarolli colleague) on a golf course. Anders chatted his ear off about the Fogarolli concept and Christer saw an opportunity to start a business as well as spend more time with the family. A business that could potentially capture the interest and commitment of all family members. Big and small.

Christer and the Ädel family can be seen at all types of events from trade shows to rock concerts. They don’t really have a preference at this stage. They go with the flow. The only focus they have at this point is to serve great tasting coffee to their customers. 


Café Bica AB

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